lockdown ageing
Tips From L'Abu

Lockdown Ageing and how to help reverse

Our skin has suffered, because of central heating, wearing masks, lack of sunlight and natural vitamin D, all factors in dry, flaky, prone to break out and dull skin, which over time can result to premature ageing and looking older.

So let us hit your skin care routine and get it back to its optimum best…

Start with cleansing properly. Using our Oat milk Cleanser, which is just a luxurious treatment to cleanse away the daily build-up of dirt, grime and dead cells and leaves the skin nourished and glowing.

Follow up with the Clay and Hydra Gel double mask treatments to draw out impurities, and put back skin thirsty hydration.

Finish with the Serum and moisturiser for that intense continual treatment to tackle clarity, luminosity and ageing.

Uncomplicated, simple but effective botanical skin care at its best.


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